Wreckage of a downed Yugoslav MiG-29 fighter [Wallpaper]

A U.S. Army documentation team surveys the wreckage of a Former Republic of Yugoslavia MiG-29 Fulcrum jet fighter outside the town of Ugljevik, Bosnia and Herzegovina, on March 27, 1999. The aircraft is one of two shot down by NATO…
Operation Allied Force Wallpaper – NATO Air strikes against Yugoslavia

Operation Allied Force war eine zwischen dem 24. März 1999 bis 10. Juni 1999 stattfindende luftgestützte Militäroperation der NATO gegen Jugoslawien. Die Angriffe begannen als Reaktion auf das Scheitern der Verhandlungen von Rambouillet zur Beendigung des Kosovo-Konflikts. Sie führten zum…
Der Krieg in Kosovo – Grundlagen für den deutschen Einsatz im Kosovo

Gemäß Beschluss des Deutschen Bundestages vom 08. Juni 1999 erfolgt die deutsche Beteiligung an der internationalen Sicherheitspräsenz im Kosovo auf der Grundlage des Übereinkommens über die G-8-Prinzipien und dem Einverständnis der Bundesrepublik Jugoslawien vom 03. Juni 1999. Das Petersberg-Dokument ist…
Operation Allied Force – NATO Air strikes against Yugoslavia

Operation Allied Force was the military response of NATO to the 1999 Kosovo crisis, and the first major combat operation in NATO history. On March 24, 1999, NATO launched an attack on Yugoslavia, making good on a long-standing threat to…
NATO Peace Force Hastens Into Kosovo – June 12, 1999

PRISTINA, Yugoslavia, June 12 (Saturday) – NATO troops rolled into Kosovo near dawn today to begin the allied occupation of the shattered province, hours after a convoy of Russian military vehicles stunned Western leaders and apparently even officials in Moscow…
Serb Forces Begin Pullout – NATO Halts Strikes

Yugoslav troops began pulling out of Kosovo yesterday and NATO suspended its 11-week air campaign as the vanguard of an international force, including U.S. troops, geared up on the borders of the battered province for deployment as peacekeepers as early…
NATO Declares the Air War Is Over

June 20 – NATO formally declared an end to its air war against Yugoslavia following the departure of the last Yugoslav troops from Kosovo today, as leaders of the world’s seven leading industrial democracies and Russia announced a major effort…
Clinton addresses the nation on Juni 10, 1999

June 10, 1999 – My fellow Americans, tonight, for the first time in 79 days, the skies over Yugoslavia are silent. The Serb army and police are withdrawing from Kosovo. The 1 million men, women and children driven from their…
Text of Clinton´s videotaped address to the Serbian people – March 26, 1999

March 26, 1999 – As you know, the United States and its NATO allies have begun a military campaign to reduce President Milosevic’s ability to make war on the people of Kosovo. I want to speak candidly to all Serbian…
Clinton Address to the Nation on NATO Airstrikes – March 24, 1999

Clinton addresses the nation on March 24, 1999: NATO air strikes on Serbian forces are designed to halt the tank and artillery attack that Federal Republic of Yugoslavia President Slobodan Milosevic is waging in Kosovo on the thousands of innocent…