Erklärung von Bundeskanzler Gerhard Schröder zur Lage im Kosovo: Text of Gerhard Schröder Statement on Airstrikes Against Yugoslavia

Erklärung von Bundeskanzler Gerhard Schröder zur Lage im Kosovo: Liebe Mitbürgerinnen und Mitbürger, heute Abend hat die NATO mit Luftschlägen gegen militärische Ziele in Jugoslawien begonnen. Damit will das Bündnis weitere schwere und systematische Verletzungen der Menschenrechte unterbinden und eine…
Text of NATO Chief´s Statement on Airstrikes Against Yugoslavia

March 24, 1999 – A statement by NATO Secretary-General Javier Solana on Tuesday ordering airstrikes against Yugoslavia: „Good evening, ladies and gentlemen. I have just directed the Supreme Allied Commander Europe, Gen. Clark, to initiate the air operations in the…
U.S. F-117 Stealth Fighter Is Downed in Yugoslavia

WASHINGTON March 28, 1999 – An American F-117 stealth fighter went down in Yugoslavia Saturday night, the first allied loss in the four-day Balkan conflict, even as NATO officials announced a broad new phase of the air assault on Serbian…
Operation Allied Force Pilots Down Three Serb Fighters

WASHINGTON – NATO forces struck more than 40 military targets and shot down three Serb fighters March 24 during the first wave of air attacks aimed at ending the Kosovo crisis. „There was not a lot of air defense fire…
Photo Library – NATO in Kosovo – 12 June 1999

NATO in Kosovo – In the early hours of 12 June 1999 contingents from many countries entered Kosovo under the insignia of KFOR and started the NATO-led mission that marks today its 21st anniversary. Operation Allied Force was the military…
U.S. and NATO Objectives and Interests in Kosovo

Fact Sheet released by the U.S. Department of State Washington, DC, March 26, 1999:The U.S. and NATO objectives in Kosovo are to stop the killing and achieve a durable peace that prevents further repression and provides for democratic self-government for…
U.S. Naval forces participate in Operation Allied Force

The Adriatic Sea, 24 March 1999 – A Tomahawk missile launched in the first strike against Yugoslavia leaves the bow of the guided missile cruiser USS Philippines Sea. USS Philippine Sea was the first U.S. ship involved in strike operations…
U.S. Naval Lessons Learned During Operation Allied Force, March-June 1999

Statement of Vice Admiral Daniel J. Murphy, Jr., U.S. NAVY, Commander, U.S. Sixth Fleet, and Striking and Support Forces, Southern Europe Good morning, Mr. Chairman [Herbert H. Bateman] and Mr.[Solomon P.] Ortiz. When I last appeared before members of this…
Lessons Learned from Operation Allied Force – Kosovo

The paramount lesson learned from Operation Allied Force is that the well-being of our people must remain our first priority. Deputy Secretary of Defense John Hamre and Vice Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Air Force Gen. Joe Ralston…
Human Rights Watch – Civilian Deaths In The NATO Air Campaign

Minimizing harm to civilians was central to governmental and public consent for NATO’s bombing campaign in the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia-an air war officially justified as humanitarian intervention. The decision to intervene was taken with the awareness that the use…