Access 2007 Developer Extensions available for download

The Access 2007 Developer Extensions provide packaging and deployment tools and licensing and distribution agreements to make it easier for developers to bring solutions to market. Whether you are working in a small business or a large enterprise, as a third-party or an internal developer, the Extensions can facilitate the deployment and management of Access solutions.


Download -> Access 2007 Developer Extensions from the Download Center

The Access 2007 Developer Extensions is available for download from the Download Center:

The Access Developer Extensions include the following components:

  • Package Solution Wizard – A wizard that creates a Windows Installer Package (MSI) to install your database and any supporting files and optionally includes the Access 2007 Runtime, or prompts the user to download the Access 2007 Runtime.
  • Save As Template – Enables you to create database templates (ACCDTs) that can be featured in the Access 2007 Getting Started screen.
  • Source Code Control – Integration with Microsoft Visual SourceSafe or other source code control systems to allow check-in/check-out of queries, forms, reports, macros, modules, and data. You can also see the differences that have been made to your checked out objects.

Ähnliche Beiträge -> Access Runtime

The Access 2007 Developer Extensions do not include the Property Scanner and the Custom Startup Wizard that were included in previous versions.