Yugoslavia accepts peace deal on Kosovo – Skeptical NATO continues bombing

June 3, 1999 – Although refusing to call it surrender, Yugoslavia’s government on Thursday accepted a Western-backed peace plan for Kosovo that requires Yugoslav and Serb forces to withdraw from the province and provides for an international peacekeeping force to…
B-2 stealth bombers make combat debut

March 24, 1999 – The Pentagon confirmed Wednesday that two B-2 bombers made their combat debut Wednesday, dropping satellite-guided, 2,000-pound (900-kilogram) bombs on Yugoslav targets in the NATO attack code-named Operation Allied Force. The U.S. part of the mission has…
President Clinton thanks personnel in support of U.S. and NATO operations

President Clinton addresses U.S. and NATO military personnel, families, and civilian Department of Defense employees at Norfolk Naval Station, Va., on April 1, 1999. The President expressed America’s thanks to personnel deployed overseas in support of U.S. and NATO operations,…
Communities in Kosovo listed alphabetically by their Albanian and Serbian name

Communities in Kosovo listed alphabetically by their Albanian and Serbian name Albanian name Serbian name Municipality A Acareve Akosnice Androfc Arlat Astrazup Atmagje Ovcarevo Okosnica Androvac Orlate Ostrozub Atmadja Srbica/Skenderaj Lipljan/Lipjan Lipljan/Lipjan Glogovac/Gllogoc Orahovac/Rrahovec Prizren/Prizren B Babaj i…
Wreckage of a downed Yugoslav MiG-29 fighter – March 27, 1999

A U.S. Army documentation team surveys the wreckage of a Former Republic of Yugoslavia MiG-29 Fulcrum jet fighter outside the town of Ugljevik, Bosnia and Herzegovina, on March 27, 1999. The aircraft is one of two shot down by NATO…
Operation Allied Force – How Dutch F-16AMs shot down a MiG-29

Amendola Air Base, Italy – Four F-16AMs of the Royal Netherlands Air Force (RNLAF) were among the first NATO aircraft to enter Serbian airspace on the night of 24 March. Within minutes, the Dutch had achieved their first air-to-air victory…
Die Geschichte des Kosovo-Konfliktes von 1389 bis 1999

Die Geschichte des Kosovo-Konfliktes von 1389 bis 1999: 1389 | 1918 | 1929 | 1941 | 1945 | 1974 | 1981 | 1987 | 1989 | 1991 | 1992 | 1995 | 1997 | 1998 | 1999. Serbs fight –…
Kosovo Declaration of Independence

Convened in an extraordinary meeting on February 17, 2008, in Pristina, the capital of Kosovo, Answering the call of the people to build a society that honours human dignity and affirms the pride and purpose of its citizens, Committed to…
Serbiens Illusionen in Kosovo

Die vom serbischen Parlament verabschiedete Kosovo-Deklaration hat mit der Realität in der ehemaligen serbischen Provinz wenig zu tun. Die Parlamentarier in Belgrad geben sich Illusionen hin, wenn sie glauben, es werde eines Tages alles wieder so sein, wie es einmal…
NATO´s role in Kosovo

NATO is leading a multinational peacekeeping force in Kosovo called KFOR, which is contributing to the normalisation of the situation in the province. As its name states, Serbia and Montenegro is composed of Serbia and Montenegro. Violence broke out in…