Microsoft veröffentlicht Zertifikats-Update KB2607712 für Windows

Microsoft stellt wegen der anhaltenden Probleme bei der niederländischen Zertifizierungsstelle DigiNotar ein Sicherheitsupdate für Windows XP und höher sowie Windows Server 2003 und höher zum Download zur Verfügung. Installiere dieses Update, um ein Problem zu beheben, das ein Update der Zertifikatsperrliste für Windows-Systeme erfordert, und um die Zertifikatliste des Systems auf dem neuesten Stand zu halten. Nach der Installation dieses Updates müssen Sie das System gegebenenfalls neu starten. Alle Benutzer werden aufgefordert die verfügbaren Updates so schnell wie möglich zu installieren, entweder über die in Windows integrierte Updatefunktion oder durch den manuellen Download über das Download Center.


Zertifikats-Update KB2607712 für Windows -> Weitere Informationen

Windows 7, Vista, XP, Server 2003, 2008 und 2008 R2 KB2607712 Update

Installiere dieses Update, um ein Problem zu beheben, das ein Update der Zertifikatsperrliste für Windows-Systeme erfordert, und um die Zertifikatliste auf dem neuesten Stand zu halten.

Ausführlichere Informationen über dieses Update findet ihr im Knowledge Base-Artikel Fraudulent digital certificates could allow spoofing (KB2607712).

  • A restart is required for all editions of Windows XP and of Windows Server 2003.
  • A restart is not required for all editions of Windows Vista, of Windows 7, of Windows Server 2008, and of Windows Server 2008 R2. The installer stops the required services, applies the update, and then restarts the services. However, if the required services cannot be stopped for any reason, or if required files are being used, this update will require a restart. If this behavior occurs, you receive a message that advises you to restart.
  • At the explicit request of the Dutch government, the release of this update on Windows Update will be delayed for the Netherlands.

This update will become available to the Netherlands on Windows Update and on all Automatic Update channels at a later date.

Microsoft Security Advisory (2607712) – General Information

Microsoft is aware of active attacks using at least one fraudulent digital certificate issued by DigiNotar, a certification authority present in the Trusted Root Certification Authorities Store. A fraudulent certificate could be used to spoof content, perform phishing attacks, or perform man-in-the-middle attacks against all Web browser users including users of Internet Explorer. While this is not a vulnerability in a Microsoft product, this issue affects all supported releases of Microsoft Windows. Microsoft is continuing to investigate this issue. Based on preliminary investigation, Microsoft is providing an update for all supported releases of Microsoft Windows that revokes the trust of the following DigiNotar root certificates by placing them into the Microsoft Untrusted Certificate Store:

  • DigiNotar Root CA
  • DigiNotar Root CA G2
  • DigiNotar PKIoverheid CA Overheid
  • DigiNotar PKIoverheid CA Organisatie – G2
  • DigiNotar PKIoverheid CA Overheid en Bedrijven

For supported releases of Microsoft Windows, typically no action is required of customers to install this update, because the majority of customers have automatic updating enabled and this update will be downloaded and installed automatically. For more information, including how to manually install this update, see the Suggested Actions section of this advisory.